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Since our first meeting, you have turned my life into a fairytale

I love you because the way that you look at me makes me feel so special that I still get butterflies in my stomach sometimes from it. You look at me like I am the only person in a room full of people.

I love the way your voice sounds when you whisper sweet happy anniversary messages in my ear.

I love you because of how easily you can finish my sentences sometimes. It is like you know exactly what I am thinking or sometimes it even feels like we share the same thoughts before we even say them out loud.

Since our first meeting, you have turned my life into a fairytale and our wedding is the first page of our love story.

How you would protect me as my parents did when I was little and that you would do anything to stop me from getting hurt.

You are the only person who makes me laugh more then I can make myself laugh.

And how you tell me without any doubt that I am the only one in the world for you.

The fact that you would make the best father anyone could ever ask for or hope to have.

I love that you have seen me when I was at my very worst and at my weakest and most vulnerable, yet you chose to draw me even closer to you. You did not run away, instead, you held me closer to you.

I love the feeling of your hair brushing against me when we make love.

I love you because you are not only my lover, you are my best friend in the whole world. You are the first person I want to celebrate with during the good times and the first person I want to turn to when times are hard.

Every time you touch me with your hands, my body pierces electric shock, our relationship is full of passion.

The way you challenge me and give me honest life lessons on how I could be a better person.

I love looking at your childhood pictures and listening to stories about your childhood and imaging how you were back then.

You amuse me, make me laugh and inspire me by reading me your stories out loud.

I love how you get mad with me when I question your love. Because it frustrates you that I would ever question how devoted you are.

The amazing new experiences that I’ve shared for the first time with you and only you.

I love you because you are always inspiring me to be a better person each and every single day. You make me want to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be. Without you, I would not be as motivated to make this happen.

I love the special moments that we shared that will remain my fondest memories of you and I.

I adore your kindness and your aspiration to give a home to all little animals, which you bring to our home, you have a golden heart.

You always enjoy the dishes I cook even though they don’t taste good sometimes.

You love my cooking, but when I’m too tired or upset to cook, you can always sense that right away and cook something nice for me instead.

You know so much about everything and I love it when you tell me about the history and all the other things I know little about.

I love how we imagine a wild and wonderful future together. And then make the plans to make it happen.

The fact that you are the first and only person I’ve ever loved and the first person who ever truly loved me.

I love you because you are not afraid to be your true self around me. I know and love the real you, the version of you that exists behind closed doors where it is just you and me alone together.

I love the way you make me feel like anything is possible as long as I’m with you.

I love you because we can sit in silence together and things do not get uncomfortable or boring even when it is quiet and nothing is going on. I just love being around you, even when we might not be doing anything.

It’s so cute when you call me and ask whether I have eaten and put on warm clothes or not, your concern touches my heart.

I love it when you would find a nice little park and take me out for a walk when it’s a good day with warm sunshine and a soft breeze.

And I love the way I catch you watching me as though you are in awe at what you see.

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